We are joined by friend of the pod Jenna to discuss chapters 1-25 of book 3 in THE RAVEN CYCLE: BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE! We talk fun villains, flirting (both good and bad), all things Blue Sargent and Richard Campbell Gansey the Third, Declan Lynch for some reason, and so much more. SPOILER ALERT: once again, we want to remind you that we WILL be referencing events throughout the entire series, up to and including the OPAL novella, all ancillary stories, and book one of the DREAMER trilogy: CALL DOWN THE HAWK. If you have not yet read these and you don't want to be spoiled, please come back when you're done!
As always, thanks to Martha Riley for our art, Djempirical for our music, and Tim for editing!
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